Oil Spill Removal Kent

THB is one of the leading oil spill removal services in Kent. If you have an oil spill on your site in Kent, all you have to do is get in touch with us.

Here is everything you need to know about our services.


What You Can Do Before We Arrive

Over time, we have seen many clients panicking about the oil spill as they don’t know what to do while they wait for us to arrive. Our response time is under an hour, and while you wait for us, here are a few things you can do to:


1. Take Relevant Action

Many businesses have a spill kit in case of such emergencies. If you have such a kit, you need to use it to contain the spill. The first thing you should do is contain the area and not let anyone enter the spill to avoid unnecessary risks and exposure to the oil.

That is because depending on the oil and the magnitude of the spill, it can become a slip and fire hazard in no time. So, you should always take relevant action to seal the spill zone and ensure everyone is far away from the spill site.


2. Ensure Personal Safety

You should always guarantee the safety of others on the site and yourself to minimize any risk. While oil spills don’t immediately affect health, they can certainly cause breathing issues, eye irritation, and much more. That is why it is best to keep everyone away from the area.

A warning should be given on the site so everyone involved can ensure their personal safety. If the spill is vast, it is best that people who are not required to work on that site go home instead.


3. Inform Other Authorities

Finally, besides contacting THB, you should contact your insurance company and let them know about the spill. You should also advise them of the damage and losses caused by the spill. Another essential thing to keep in mind is that you need to contact your local water board and notify them if the oil enters any water.

That is because if oil enters a water source, it can contaminate the drinking water of the people in the local area. So, assess the damage done by the oil spill and contact the relevant authorities while you wait for us.


Contact THB Now

If you face any oil spills in Kent, all you have to do is contact us, and we will be there in no time.

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