New look for Travis Perkins


Travis Perkins Paddington depot is one of the most highly trafficked facilities across the entire property portfolio, and past lining works had worn out well ahead of the expected life span. Travis Perkins contacted us to see if we could offer a solution and develop a new durable line marking solution.

THB materials undergo rigorous testing to meet the highest standards, guaranteeing performance and durability.

Road markings are crucial for the safety of both drivers and pedestrians. We are unwavering in our commitment to quality, and our precise, bold markings ensure everyone can see and understand the road clearly, making it safer. This dedication to safety is at the core of our work, ensuring the well-being of all who use the roads we mark.

We worked with Travis Perkins for over a year, examining various depots and conducting field trials of carefully selected products and application methods to prepare for the job.


  • Easy Clean line markings
  • Increased wear resistance
  • Long-term financial saving


  • Fully understand and evaluate the issues the client faces
  • Develop a new durable line marking solution
  • Create a safe working environment that doesn’t affect day-to-day running and persons passing through the site
  • Cleanse and prepare surfaces correctly to guarantee the best finish
  • Source easy-to-apply and durable materials


  • Extensive trials to offer a solution
  • Ensuring and maintaining safety measures for the team and people on site
  • Keeping disruption on site to a minimum
  • Finding and testing the best fast-drying and quality materials for this particular client


By carrying out the pre-project trials, carefully monitoring performance, and comparing data for each product over some time, we developed bespoke solutions that suited Travis Perkins’ specific needs across its depots. We are proud to say that all our hard work and determination paid off, and we are now the official contractor for all Travis Perkins depots in London, the home counties, and the South East and South of England.

We developed a range of products and bespoke application methods that provide:

  • Easily cleaned with hosing off
  • Resist wear and tear much better than thermoplastics
  • Do not build up and turn into trip hazards
  • Visible for customers and visitors, ensuring safety across the site at all times
  • Guarantee durability and precise, bold markings long-term

Our new line marking solution has not only met but exceeded expectations, providing a durable and safe environment for all.


THB is a specialist civil engineering contractor that provides a diverse portfolio of solutions to the UKs’ road network. We self-deliver surface preparation, resurfacing, line marking, hydroblasting, traffic management and civils work.
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